Brochure Design

Considering the Principles and Elements of design create trifold Brochure for F.I.R.S.T Institute’s Graphic Design and Web Development Program using InDesign. 

Handcraft a Mockup Brochure by hand using paper. Fold one sheet of paper onto itself twice, and label your sides to visualize your format!

  • Use Photoshop to edit photos (provided) as needed – You may use other Hi-Res photos as well
  • Optional: Use Illustrator to create a vector-based illustration element

Document Settings

  • 8.5 x 11 Landscape document for Print (300 ppi) 
  • Two Pages (non-facing)
  • 3 columns (this allows for the brochure layout)
  • .25 Margin
  • .125 Bleed
  • .5 Gutter


  • “Graphic Design & Web Development Program” 
  • F.I.R.S.T Logo (provided)
  • Double-sided

Program(s) Used:
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop